Website Development

What's the difference between web design and web development? In our opinion it's very clear, web development is using specifically written computer code to create solutions to problems for which you simply can't buy off-the-shelf packages to resolve.

So if you find yourself asking "I wonder if there's a way to do that" or "if only we could find a way to do that with our website" then get in touch now as there's a good chance that we can solve your problem.

Examples of the sort of thing we mean are:

CSS Pest Control Document System

CSS Pest Control, based in Derby, has implemented a streamlined system for managing technician reports. When technicians visit client sites, they fill out detailed reports on tablet devices. These reports are then uploaded to the same server that hosts the CSS Pest Control website.

Each client is provided with a unique login via the CSS Pest Control website. Upon logging in, clients can view all documents relating to technician visits to their premises. The system ensures that clients have access only to their own reports, enhancing security and confidentiality.

Our bespoke code reads and organises all documents in a folder by a unique code assigned to each client. By default, clients can access reports from the current year, but the software also allows them to view reports from previous years. Additionally, CSS Pest Control can upload generic documents, such as Health and Safety procedures, for clients to access.

Darley Moor Motorcycle Road Race Club (DMMRRC)

We began our collaboration with the Darley Moor Motorcycle Road Race Club (DMMRRC) a few years ago, focusing on enhancing their online administration systems through the use of bespoke PHP code and MySQL databases. Our work has encompassed several key areas, including the Membership Database, Race Booking System, and the Results and Championship Leader Tables.

Membership Database

This system allows individuals interested in joining the club to register online. Once they submit their initial application, a DMMRRC administrator provides them with a login name and password. Using these credentials, members can log in to complete their full personal details and information about their bike. All data is securely stored in the MySQL database, ensuring easy access and management.

Race Booking System

The Race Booking System is seamlessly integrated with the Membership Database, utilising the rider information already entered. Built with bespoke PHP code, it contains detailed information about race dates and the specific races scheduled for those dates. Riders can book their entries for various races through this system. For payment of entry fees, the system is integrated with a WordPress WooCommerce setup. The integration allows for smooth transactions and secure payment processing. Before race day, DMMRRC administrators can download a CSV file of all entries. This file is then passed to the printers to create the race-day programme, ensuring accurate and timely production.

Results and Championship Leader Tables

In preparation for race days, the system allows DMMRRC administrators to upload race names from a spreadsheet into the MySQL database. Administrators can input the names of entrants for each race. After the races, the system, developed enables the entry of points for race results. Using this data, the system generates race leader tables, reflecting the latest standings based on the results entered. This ensures that the information is up-to-date and readily available to rider and spectators via the DMMRRC website.

Overall, our collaboration with DMMRRC has significantly improved their administrative efficiency and streamlined various processes, from membership registration to race day preparations and results tracking, all through the use of tailored PHP code and robust MySQL databases.

Please call us now on 01773 882704 or contact us via our contact page to see how we can help you with your website development requirements.

Some of our website designs

Please visit our website portfolio page for more of our website designs

aB | aC | aD | aD | aF | aG | aH | aI | aJ | aJ | aL | aM | NS